Friday, April 16, 2010

Heading off...

to lovely Vermont for the weekend! The weather is going to be much like you see in these gorgeous photos..I don't post wedding shots much {I've been married for 6+ years} but I remember how exciting it was to plan my wedding..{I still love looking at couple's ideas and inspirations} These photographs by Susan Stripling are truly inspirational on many levels.. Have a Wonderful weekend!

This entire look is so layered - it's striking isn't it? {you could base a room design on this palette and these textures alone}

I have to pack so much "stuff" when I travel with my little ones..I could always use an extra bag..{i love to have an array of bags}..this one from Manu leather would suit me just fine..

The Clipper Bag by ManuManu Leather


  1. you lucky girl you! enjoy. have a wonderful time. xoxo

  2. Wow, these shots are gorgeous. The one of the couple with the umbrella is beautiful, and her shot on the grass. And yes, the layering is wonderful in his suit!

  3. How lovely! Looking at those images was like taking a little holiday. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. These photos are beautifully stunning just like Vermont, I spent my summers there and will never get over how gorgeous it is, have a fun time!

  5. Outdoors on ParadeApril 16, 2010 at 7:49 PM

    How gorgeous are those photos! We will definately have to show them to our Bride's!

    Outdoors on Parade

  6. The images are stunning!! Have a wonderful time!

  7. Hi, You have good blog with good images and details. keep on posting the more stuff. I will like to hear more from you.

  8. OH I was I was adventerous enough to do hunter boots with a wedding dress :)

    Totally fun pics. Hope you had a great time! Marija

  9. Hope you had a lovely time! These shots are gorgeous!
