Friday, April 23, 2010

Jenna Lyon's World

We all know and love Jenna Lyon's fabulously creative style, home, office + job! Jenna has an uncanny way of making it all look so easy...In case you missed her on Oprah last Wednesday, see the video here. I'm especially loving her most recent "picks" above!

I never tire of her amazing home either..

Jenna's Office

Items from her desk

Images: Domino, Huffington Post, J.Crew


  1. She's so effortlessly stylish and chic. I never tire of seeing her apartment either. Thanks for starting my weekend off with great inspirations!

  2. I would love to live in her world!

  3. isn't she so amazing?! Thanks for posting the link to the Oprah show.. I missed it.. glad I got to catch a glimpse! she is so inspirational!

  4. A beautiful home! And peaceful!

  5. Jenna has more style in her pinky than most people. I have not seen her home before and I love it. It looks as if it evolved over time, I love that look,Kathysue

  6. Her home is sooo pretty, it's one of my favorites. I missed the Oprah interview, will have to check it out on you tube or elsewhere....

    Jen Ramos --

  7. Just fabulous.. I missed the show, so thanks for the clip!

  8. jenna is beyond amaxing. i always say if i ever hit the lottery, ill be in jcrew every day.

  9. Easily one of my favorite posts of the weekend! I missed the first 10 minutes of Oprah when Jenna appeared (of course - to typical for me!). Thanks for the link so I could see more of her world!! Marija

  10. she has such amazing style, and i never tire of seeing her home either!

  11. simply a beautiful life! i love every one of those pictures! thanks for sharing

  12. I love her style. And theTurks and Caicos is such a wonderful place. Thanks for this.

  13. I love it all, especially that pink glitter jacket! great post!

  14. I have seen some of the photos here and there , but this is a well researched post. Thank you.

  15. Fantastic post! I love her style!She's so elegant and chic!
    Have a great week!
