Friday, March 30, 2012

Cottage Love

As most of you know I'm planning to move within the next six months or so. (fingers crossed) This is exciting and scary on a number of levels. I don't have a huge budget for a home but I believe if I find a little house I can make it a beautiful spot for my children and me! I'd like it to be small in scale, and near the ocean. Any of these homes would be perfect! I've been holding on to the top image for years now and below is my newest favorite. I adore L.A. style bungalows or sweet cape styles that were built in the 40's-60's. Happy Friday!
This is my newest favorite!!


  1. Those cottages are adorable. My house is like a cottage, but it's kind of cramped now that we have two kids.

  2. You've gathered fantastic inspiration, Julie (I'm planning on pinning nearly all of these pics!). Good luck with the search for your next home, I'm sure it will be lovely!

  3. Good luck with the house hunt! If you find something remotely as cute as these, I might have to come stay with you.... so be ready for that ;)

    Have a fun weekend!

  4. I especially love that last photo. So sweet!

  5. Julie,

    Love all these! I actually have saved the top photo myself with the whole article. Loved that cottage. These are all wonderful. Cottages are the best homes!

    Best of luck to you in your search.

  6. love your newest fave - i have this on my pinterest too , soooo sweet! Good luck with your dream cottage! You will make it gorgeous! KG

  7. I think I would be happy with any one of these.
    We are now in the process of house hunting online, it is daunting and cottage style pops out at me every time. I hope my next home is similar to any of these you have here :)

  8. Dear Julie, I've just stumbled upon your blog and it is wonderful, brava. I wanted to join your readers in wishing you well in the cottage hunt, and also to give you a peek at my own "Bee Cottage" in East Hampton: I wrote a series on it for House Beautiful last year and enjoyed it so much I started blogging. Am still a neophyte but enjoying it - and very grateful to the pros like you for your inspiration. All good wishes, Frances Schultz

  9. Yay! Can't wait for the cottage-design posts to begin!!

  10. All so very charming! Good luck with your search!

  11. Thank you all very much! I'll of course post the before and after shots of my new place!! I just have to find it first..;)

