Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Deep breath...I'm up to my ears in things to do today..I sure could use a little elf to help me wrap all the stashed goodies and gifts! I love to add fresh greens and holly to all my holiday packages.

I'll be back tomorrow to wish you a very merry! Good luck with all your last minute errands today. I'm am trying to keep it in perspective! Cheers and be safe if you are traveling! xx
Hunter Boots/ Camel coat (this is not me)


  1. My husband decided to have a spur of the moment cocktail party today, so I am running around getting things ready. I'm stealing a moment for myself before I jump back in. Where is my fairy godmother when I need her to put the house in order? ;-)

  2. Must say that I am happy that the Christmas season is behind us and not feeling a bit "blue" about that. As for blue however loved the blue and know what a requested color that it is, even for children's rooms.

    Happy New Year to you from a dedicated follower.
