Monday, February 22, 2016

Cottage Love #33

Hello, hello! I am still here, alive and well. I took some much needed time off and headed up North to ski with Matty and my children for a few days. They had a school break last week, soooo we embraced it! I'm excited to be back and am working on a slew of great projects this Spring!!

You know I love myself a great cottage so I thought I'd kick off the week looking at a charming exterior today! The weather in Northeast getting brighter and warmer by the day. It's amazing how the warmer weather and longer days can make you (well me) so happy! I'm also working from my new office this week, woot woot! Onto my post....

I have a confession, I'm a real estate stalker. I love driving around town and spotting houses for sale. I also peruse Zillow every week for new listings. It's a favorite past time my boyfriend and I share. I dream of and envision putting an addition on my own little house too, not sure what I'll end up doing but dreaming is fun for sure..I came across this revamp of a Cape style home by architect Ross Piper via  Southern Living, what do you think? Besides the chimney looking a bit out of proportion, I love it! All images: Southern Living
Here is the "before" shot. The architect stated that the home was just "wanted to be symmetrical". I'd have to agree.

 Here are the beautiful details of the design:

A third dormer was added, they were also given more substance.

I am adoring the new lattice detail columns and prominent entrance.

And let's not forget the exterior of the home. It opens up to a beautiful backyard. Added was a gorgeous, large porch and sitting area. Yes, please to this beauty!


  1. One of my good friends from high school actually LIVES in this house! Small world!I knew it looked familiar when I saw it initially. :)

    I love your blog by the way; however, this is the first time I've ever commented.

  2. OMG that back view is amazing. I love being on a porch, having the breeze and shade.
    I like the front, too, but again, I love a porch and probably would have laid claim to that screened-in room in order to be almost outside, but without the mosquitos. I hope they kept a maximum number of windows on the side for similar effect.
    They don't do porches in France, so we have to make do with covered patios. So lovely for dining all summer long.

  3. This home is in Atlanta Ga and I helped the sweetest owner ever do some decorating! When I first pulled up that blue door had me a hello!!!

  4. Fabulous house, I am intrigued as to what your definition of a cottage is, I always thought it was something small. This place looks magnificent, love the view from the back. I'd move in!

  5. good design of home and i really love what it has to offer

  6. Sherry, How fun!! What a small world that two of you know the owner of this adorable home.
    I guess I would define a cottage as a smaller, inviting, charming home in comparison to some of the oversized homes on the market today. I can appreciate both but have always been drawn to quaint homes. Remember the magazine Cottage Living?? I miss it and loved almost every home they published.

