Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I'm sure it's been ridiculously hot where you live so I won't talk about the weather. Although, I will mention the fact that most houses aren't air conditioned in Boston. Mine happens to be one of them. I do of course have a unit in my bedroom so my kids thought it would be a good idea to sleep with me. Sharing a bed with a squirmy 2 and 4 year old is far from restful.
I had a couple of rare minutes this am to scan pinterest. I love when I discover an image that I've never seen, like the one above. The over sized surfing photos make the space. This image got me thinking of my love in general of over -sized images depicting anything "ocean" related..surfing, the beach, the sea etc. etc.  I try to spend money wisely lately but I think money on travel and art is well spent. I have always wanted an over sized Massimo Vitali , but until then I may have to go with a "less" expensive option like the one I found on Etsy below! (bottom image is linked)
Lulu Power's (her place is so welcoming and layered) home via Lonny.

I love this Massimo Vitali print (and entire home for that matter)

Massimo Vitali

via Etsy


  1. Oh my goodness ADORE this post! I was just browsiing Massimo Vitali pieces the other day!I'm also missing ACK- hoping for Labor Day on island!

  2. I do remember my days living in Boston without A/C!

    ido like Massimo Vitaly prints but they seem do be should check out this really cool photographer
    I love her work!

  3. These all look so refreshing!! Love it!

    ~ Jillian

    *Check out a fab freebie today at Her Split Ends!

  4. I love pictures of water, and swimmers and sunbathers! Nice post!

  5. Love the interiors of ACK which are eclectic, timeless, and utilize soft soothing colors.

  6. Beautiful pictures. Could you let us know who are the other artists?
    or where you got the other pictures? I'm really interested in source some of these (Not Vitali).
    Many thanks

  7. Rooms that suggest permanent summer, the whole year round - banish the blues with those gorgeous blues !
