Monday, December 31, 2012

What I learned in 2012 + Cheers to a Happy, Healthy 2013!

I often try to sum up my year with what I've learned and accomplished. So here it goes...

In 2012 I learned:

1.  Change is a good thing. If you don't like the direction your life is heading, change it! Take a risk, move, leave your job..etc. there's nothing worse then doing nothing at all!
2. Time heals most wounds. My thoughts go out to all of those who have suffered tragedy in their life this year. If you have your health and a warm home most everything else will fall beautifully into place.
3. If something good comes along, grab it and hold on tight! I'm trying not to over think my life, it's a waste of time, just go for it.
4. Some things do happen for a reason. I'm pretty excited about the new opportunities in my life right now. If my ex-husband had not cheated on me and our babies, and I had not ended our marriage, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't feel as happy, empowered, strong and at peace as I do today.
5. I've learned that after I speak my mind, letting it go is really the answer.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else, you are the one who gets burned." Buddha
6. Think positive, think positive, think works!

Have a safe night, I'll be lounging in an outfit like this with my sick children, and dining on a dinner of sesame chicken and crab rangoon..

Cheers and repeat after me...
Wishing all my readers a truly happy, healthy and prosperous 2013!! I love fresh starts and new beginnings! Cheers



  1. Great post! I'll be in my sweats, eating Greek takeout, and probably asleep by 9pm.

  2. Because welcoming the New Year peacefully at home is sometimes the best way!

  3. We will be home as well... I am going to make Stracotto for the first time..recipe is on Lime and the Coconut's (Linda) blog... YUM!

    I love your blog and look forward to visiting throughout the new year!

    Happy New Year!

  4. Such inspiration! Keeping it mellow this year too, which feels just right. Hope you enjoy it with your kiddos. Happy new year!

  5. here's to not mentioning your ex-husband anymore on your blog and really moving seem like a great person.
    I wish you well in 2013...

  6. I don't necessarily agree with the previous comment. I am sure your heart will heal in time, but blogging can be an outlet and if I went through the same thing I am sure it would be tough not to talk about what I was going through. I agree with the part of the comment about wishing you a great year though!

  7. Thank you! The blog has been an amazing outlet for me. Honestly I'm not sure how I would have gotten through the early days with a 9 month old infant and three year old. My blog not only connected me with people who went through something similar it allowed me not to think about how hurt and betrayed I felt every second of the day!!

    Thanks for your kind words!

