Wednesday, July 2, 2014


This entire outfit looks adorable...I often peruse Annabelle's blogshe's got a great fashion sense.

I have to say I went on a mini-shopping spree before my trip to Bermuda. I came across this denim jacket (below) while at the gap stocking up on my favorite t-shirts and fitted tanks (available here). It reminded me of a jacket with an embroidered back that I adored in high school. (my mom and friends will remember my "guess" jacket) I'm a sucker for stars and the July 3rd/4th holiday!! It's on sale and fits perfectly!!

Jacket here


  1. I love that denim jackets (and vests!) are back. This one is so cute!

    x Lily

  2. My Pinterest page is usually filled to capacity with Annabelle's beautiful outfits but I hadn't seen this one. I'll definitely be dusting off the denim jacket come summer time.
