Friday, May 5, 2017

Shelter Loves

Happy weekend lovies and it's a goodie. Two of my favorite events happen this weekend. Cinco de Mayo, and Derby Parties! I mean what's better than margarita's and fabulous fashion with the possibility of winning some money? ( I do worry about the horses though). Here is what is on my mind this week!! (plus a hell of a lot more, but I'll save that for another day!!) xoxo 

1. I would love to build a house someday, it would have high ceiling, large windows and airy spaces. This dining room is so fresh and clean looking! (one bowl of pasta or a glass of red wine would destroy that rug in a second in my house)
2. These rings are cool!
3. and 4. I have a thing for Derby hats! This Etsy shop sells a number of beautiful choices! I love seeing what everyone wears on Derby day. I am going to pick up a hat in about 30 mins! I am heading to a Derby party tomorrow!
5. This can be hard but I am trying to let go of what I cannot change. You have to trust the wait and embrace the unknown!! If not, we will drive ourselves mad with worry and doubt.
6. This is a beautiful bouquet of roses and peonies.
7. 💗 Enjoy the simple moments this weekend. 

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