Monday, April 29, 2019

Shelter Loves

Here I am with Friday's post! I'm kicking off the day on a feel good note! I spent the weekend in Nantucket, I feel very fortunate to live near such a magical (and fun) destination. Here is what I pinned last week!!

1. This summer's sneaker pick will be a pair of Veja's for me! I like the simplicity of these
2. Nantucket and vintage Wagoneers and Rovers. I may need to pick one up for myself one of these days. I need a garage first. ;)
3. I am trying to live this! Letting go, moving forward and pushing past fear takes bravery. Vulnerability can be a scary thing but we will never know how amazing our lives can be unless we take risks! 
4. Fields of tulips. New Englanders appreciate any sign of Spring we can get.
5. After having several skin cancer spots on my face, I am assiduous about my skin care routine. This exfoliate will work wonders on your skin
6. Round tile mosaics arranged in classic patterns. 

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