Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Summer - Bucket List

I love each season for various reasons but I will say that summer is extra sweet, especially because the Spring is usually pretty rainy and cold around here! I've done some of the items on my Summer bucket list before but they are all goodies..Here are my summer wishes + goals. 

1. Skinny dip!
2. Up my running game. I run a few times a week but I want to add some distance and speed to the routine. I also need to do more yoga and meditating. 
3. Take my kids on a "real" picnic.
4. Travel someplace that I have never been. This is Austria. I'm not sure if that will happen this summer but it is certainly on my travel list!!
5. Surf. I have surfed before but I want to give it another shot. It's fun. 
6. This book has great reviews. I am going to read the book, then watch the movie. Historical fiction is my favorite reading genre. I'm also a bit of a romantic and appreciate a love story. 💗
7. I LOVE fireworks. Watching fireworks is on my list!!
8. I want to cook some new recipes, these sound good!
9. Over sand driving, preferably on Nantucket. I also adore vintage Jeep Grand Wagoneers. 

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