Saturday, August 24, 2019

Shelter Loves...

Happy Weekend!! I've been playing catch up around my house today but I did manage to squeeze in an hour to blog...Here's what has been on my radar...

1. Basically, everthing on the life style blog Eye Swoon - including her glorious kitchen. (Which I have shared in the past)
2. 💖
3. Sexy, feminine bohemian blouses
4. Today, a friend reminded me of Kelly Reemsten's paintings. They are empowering and gorgeous. This one is aptly titled, Rise Up. 2019. Her bio is worth a read: 

The paintings for which Kelly Reemtsen is best known are elaborate depictions of the role of the modern day woman.
"Strikingly feminine at first glance, with their bodies adorned in fashionable designer dresses and runway-worthy accessories, Reemtsen’s women are not simply pinup girls or arm candy. Rather, the women, while dressed to the nines, undertake household, and often, traditionally masculine tasks. The objects they hold, from dishrags to wrenches to chainsaws, range from domestic to menacing, and yet, as a body of work, address the question of the proper role of the contemporary woman. Reemtsen’s answer to that is quite simple – anything! Anonymous torsos, the women remain beautiful representations of the feminine with which anyone can identify."
In terms of technique, Reemtsen’s work, with its thick impasto, represents a masterly handling of paint, which can be seen throughout her oeuvre of women.
5. Lauren Santa Domingo's magical pool. Her entire home is featured in August's issue of Vogue. It's a beautiful, off beat mixture of modern and traditional elements. 
6. I slather Kiehl's masque on every night before bed and wake up with very hydrated skin!

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