Friday, January 24, 2020

Shelter Loves....

Hello all! My goal is to blog more this year. I've been hyper focused on my projects but always enjoy sharing what's inspiring me with you. Here is a sample of what I was pinning this week's.... Cheers!

1. Sexy, simple black tops. I have my eye on this one
2. I finished up the 'Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society' recently. I'm a softie for a compelling love story. Putting yourself in a vulnerable position is scary but sometimes worth it. I adored the ending of the book and this quote. 
3. I plan to purchase a new front door in 2020. The idea of one that allow light into my home is nice. 
4. I would like to begin to cook more Asian inspired dishes. This looks delicious.
5. I am a fan of Matisse's cut out series. These graphic posters (I'm often not a poster fan) are lovely and an inexpensive way to add unique artwork to your home. 
6. Cozy velvet sofas in unexpected earthy, hues. 

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