Friday, March 6, 2020

Shelter Loves....

Hello Friday! I've been inspired by so much lately and am working on some lovely projects. Here is what I'm adoring this week:

1. Clean, inviting bed rooms with crisp linen sheets
2. Velvet ribbon. 
3. I often see the question - What is your favorite jean? My answer: Rag and Bone. They fit me really well and are flattering
4. My latest favorite fashion muse is Caroline Duar. I've been following her funky style this Spring during Fashion week. 
5. I've been working on an exciting side project and I've always loved beautiful paper but I do more than ever. I think I need to get scalloped envelopes for my business correspondence cards. 
6. 💜 
7. Manicured lawns and beautiful windows. #Additiongoals

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