I'm packing up the kiddies and heading up North to Vermont for the week, it's my last hurrah this summer...Vermont evokes so many thoughts but one is definitely farmhouse, another is relaxation..this home blends the two, architecturally it's such cool interpretation of a "modern farmhouse" - I would mix up the furniture a bit..{but that's just me ;)}!

Architecture: Schappacher-White
I just love it!
Have a great RELAXING week up there. Lets try for ladies night next week!
It is wonderful and too stiff and cold. You are right, a good mix up of furniture and some softness here and there would work for me.
But very beautiful. I am so not a fan of dead animals in my rooms so that Zebra bothers me but that is probably just me :)
I would guess that the zebra isn't real..it wouldn't appeal to either..{if it were}
Gorgeous! I really love the mix of modern with rustic.
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