My 15 month old daughter is a climber. Currently she's taken to climbing the open shelves in my kitchen, so I need to make a change quickly. It's not safe for her or my dishes. I'm on the hunt for a "find". The perfect piece would have a {Chippendale - esque} feel and with glass front cabinets. I would love to line them in something similar to the Griffin and Wong paper pictured below!! {as you've most likely noticed I love green and this paper is gorgeous!} I actually found a piece on Craig's list last week. I even traveled to see it but it needed quite a bit of work. I'm not sure I have the time to cut new veneer pieces. I'm most likely going to paint it, so If I'm thinking about that particular piece in a week, I'll call them back. It looked very similar to the second image but it was a cabinet not a secretary. I'll be sure to share my final find and the before and after photos. |
Love all these pieces. That is one of my favorite furniture pieces of all time. I especially like the last one. WHERE IS THAT SHOP!? It looks like the consignment shop of my dreams. I want everything in the picture. Everything.
Gorgeous idea- love the paper!
keep looking! I was looking for one for ages - found them on craigslist just to find out they had been sold, or I went to see them and they required too much work. There's a happy ending though - I ended up finding exactly what I wanted and the nice couple was GIVING it away because they just wanted to clear some room in their house! Keep plugging along, if you can take the time and hope your daughter doesn't do too much damage.
Thanks for the Griffin and Wong tip!Good luck with the search.
Circa Who {they have amazing vintage finds at affordable prices} is located in Florida.
I linked to their site!!
I'm sure you have seen this- but if not this is fun!
I love that set Lindsey!! I just bought a piece that needs quite a bit of work, but he'll deliver it to my house!! That's a huge bonus. I love those chairs though. I wish they would sell them separately.
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