Gazing at the stars on a balmy summer evening with a glass of wine in hand is pretty close to perfection for me. Why not bring some of that magic into your life? I adore the above quote. I need this poster in my home. |
Images: Etsy, Atlantic-Pacific, Etsy necklace, Shop Bop necklace, Martha Stewart, Pinterest, Laura Resen
i mean WHO doesn't like stars? - i painted stars on my ceiling in my old bedroom!
Gorgeous starry images!!
Art by Karena
Can you share the etsy link where you found that poster? I've had that image saved forever, but can't seem to find where I originally located it. Thank you!!
I love that quote/art work. Did you know the artist comprised the text of thousands of tiny little gold stars?
@SophisticatedHome, the art work is by Sebastian Lester.
Can you share the link where you found that multiple star necklace? It's amazing and I must have it!
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