Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Giving Thanks

I am sincerely thankful for all of you, my wonderfully supportive readers. Your kind words and uplifting emails over this past year mean more to me then you know! 

Thankful for:

- Each, healthy day lived
- My thriving business, to work in a field you love, is truly a blessing
- The challenges I've faced because they have made me smarter and stronger. I think some things do happen for a reason.
- My amazing group of friends, you know who you are, I love you all!
- My wonderful, kind, supportive family 
- My beautiful children
- Red wine and good music = inexpensive therapy


SpryOnTheWall said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Lisa said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! You have a wonderful attitude, you're an inspiration!


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